The potatoes with a heart of gold! This potato is extremely unique and will ultimately surprise you. Red on the outside with a creamy yellow flesh on the inside. A potato that can be used for almost any recipe you can think of! Check out the recipe videos below to see how universal this potato really is!
Goldenheart Potato Recipe Videos

An all-purpose onion that gets sweeter the longer it is cooked. With a thicker outer skin, these fist sized onions have a generous amount of layers inside. This popular onion is the perfect option for caramelizing.
Yellow Onion Recipe Videos

With a deep purple outer skin, these onions are most commonly used raw in fresh recipes like salads, sandwiches and salsas. The colourful onion can be cooked with the deep purple fading a bit. If the taste is too strong raw, soak them in water before consuming to help alleviate the sometimes spicy flavour.
Red Onion Recipe Videos

Small (1 1/2" - 2 1/4"), round to long shape, white or tan skin, white flesh
Medium starch, slightly creamy, slightly dense, thin, delicate skin
Subtly sweet, mild, low sugar content
Preferred Uses:
Mashing, salads, steaming/boiling, frying